The Low Cost Thrilling Suspended Dark Ride Product!
The Dark Rider™ is a very cost-effective Turnkey Suspended Dark Ride that sends guests soaring and swaying through vibrant show scenes and provides operators a complete entertainment solution.
A world industry first patent-pending product, The Dark Rider™ delivers solid returns through trouble-free & safe ride mechanics, and audience delight through quality storytelling and media experiences.
With ride capacities up to 400 per hour, The Dark Rider™ fits within as little as 20,000 square feet (approximately 2000 square meters), and with ceiling heights as low as 24 feet (approximately 8 meters).
Give The Producers Group a chance to prove the perfect fit of The Dark Rider™ in your park. TPG is ready to do a free full analysis of your site – Returning to you a full report.
Created by The Producers Group and powered by Extreme Engineering, The Dark Rider™ combines an elevated ride track system with modular columns housing lighting, audio, and control equipment. Adjustable outlet locations, alternate stack orders, and the easy addition of individual components only scratch the surface of the limitless customization potential of The Dark Rider™.
It’s time for you to get the next generation of low-cost suspended dark ride! Click here to contact TPG using The Dark Rider™ Info Request Form